The vacation is over - and back to everyday life?

The vacation is over - and back to everyday life?

Many people know the feeling: after a relaxing vacation, you return full of energy, only to discover a few days later that the vacation stress has already returned. The post-holiday blues set in and motivation plummets. But why is this the case? And how can we counteract this phenomenon?

The causes of the post-holiday blues

  • Sudden change: The abrupt transition from the relaxed vacation atmosphere to the often stressful everyday life is a major challenge for our body and mind.
  • Exaggerated expectations: We often have unrealistic expectations of our vacation and are disappointed when everything doesn't go perfectly.
  • Too many commitments: Immediately after a vacation, numerous tasks and appointments often pile up, making us feel like we're on a hamster wheel.
  • Unresolved problems: Even if we want to switch off on vacation, professional or private problems can weigh us down and spoil our vacation enjoyment.

How to get a relaxed start to everyday life

To avoid the post-holiday blues and restore your work-life balance, you can follow these tips:

  • Gentle re-entry: plan a few days after your vacation to slowly get back into everyday life. Complete important tasks, but don't overwhelm yourself.
  • Reality check: Set realistic goals for your vacation and be open to spontaneous changes.
  • Digital detox: consciously switch off your smartphone during your vacation and enjoy the time all to yourself.
  • Vacation planning: During your vacation, think about how you can integrate more relaxation into your everyday life when you return.
  • Healthy habits: Make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthily and exercise regularly to improve your wellbeing.
  • Stress management: Learn techniques such as meditation or yoga to reduce stress and deal better with challenges.

Prevent burnout: how to keep vacation feelings alive for longer

To stay healthy and productive in the long term, it is important to prevent burnout and maintain vacation feelings even after your return. Here are some tips:

  • Mini-breaks: Regularly plan short time-outs into your daily routine, e.g. a walk during your lunch break or a relaxing bath in the evening.
  • Hobbies: Dedicate yourself to your hobbies and interests to recharge your batteries.
  • Social contacts: Maintain your social relationships and meet up regularly with friends and family.
  • Work-life balance: Make sure you have a healthy work-life balance and set clear boundaries between work and leisure time.

The post-holiday blues is a widespread phenomenon, but it can be overcome with the right strategies. By organizing your everyday life more consciously and paying attention to your needs, you can maintain that vacation feeling for longer and improve your work-life balance.