Monday blues? 5 tips for an energetic start to the week

Monday blues? 5 tips for an energetic start to the week

Do you know that feeling? On Sunday evening, your stomach is already tingling at the thought of Monday coming up? The Monday blues, the perceived low point at the start of the week, seems unavoidable. But stop! With a few simple tricks, you can declare war on the low mood and start the new week with drive and energy.

1. Sunday evening: set the course for a great Monday

Monday starts on Sunday! Plan something nice for the start of the week in the evening. Whether it's a delicious meal with friends, a relaxing bath or a few pages of your favorite book - look forward to something that will give you energy and put you in a good mood. This will make the start of the week much easier.

2. Get out of bed and into life!

Don't oversleep an important part of your morning! Instead, get up a little earlier on Monday and enjoy the quiet time. A healthy breakfast, a few minutes of yoga or meditation and a short walk in the fresh air will boost your energy levels and clear your head.

3. Order creates lightness

Chaos on your desk, in your head and in your closet? This can exacerbate the Monday blues. So it's best to start tidying up on Sunday evening. That way, you can start the week structured and relaxed and master every task with ease.

4. Small steps, big successes

Monday morning doesn't have to mean a big project. Start with small, easily manageable tasks. This will quickly give you a sense of achievement and motivate you to get going. Look forward to every completed item on your to-do list and reward yourself with something nice in between.

5. Motivation through appointments

Combine the start of the week with something nice. Plan a lunch with colleagues, a short workout with your fitness buddy or a cup of coffee with your girlfriend. This will make Mondays much easier and give you something to look forward to.

Bonus tip: Establish a Monday ritual

Find a ritual that makes your Monday special. Whether it's a smoothie for breakfast, a power song to wake you up or an inspiring quote on your desk - a Monday ritual puts you in a positive mood and lets you start the new week with joy.

With these tips, you'll beat the Monday blues in no time and start the new week full of energy and motivation. Just try them out and find out what helps you best to make the first working day the highlight of the week!